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2.2 Stream of Thoughts: SHE Zen AI Consensus Mechanism for Daily Balance.
Q: What is a Stream of Thoughts Consensus Mechanism in SHEGPT?
A: The Stream of Thoughts Consensus Mechanism in SHE is a distinctive feature that empowers the system to handle intricate decision-making procedures. It facilitates the utilisation of several communication channels & collaborations, which offers an all-inclusive approach to organise & present complex ideas or concepts. The process involves the use of both the Chain of Thoughts & the Tree of Thoughts techniques, coupled with methods of calculation that are relative to human cognition.
The creation of "SHE ZenAI" © DBZ-David.

Stream of Thoughts: SHE Zen AI's unique Consensus Mechanism for complex decision-making. Using Chain & Tree of Thoughts techniques & human Cognition Calculations.
28 August 2023 at 12:00:00 am
Author: David W. Harvey - Design By Zen, Publications
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